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Teen Acne Treatments

Teen acne can be a difficult and embarrassing condition to have. During the teen years hormone levels fluctuate and vary greatly, causing glands in the skin to overproduce sebum oils. While normally these oils are beneficial and necessary for the moisturizing and protection of the skin, too much leads to clogged pores, oily skin, whiteheads and blackheads. The good news is that there is a wide variety of different treatments for teen acne, ranging from home treatments to prescribed medications.

Skin Care

Taking control of the cleaning and care of your skin is an important first step in learning to control and prevent teen Teen Acneacne. Each night, warm up your skin and open your pores using a wet, hot cloth, or a steam inhalation. Next, clean your skin with a gentle cleanser, avoiding harsh hand soaps, and give your face a rinse. Cold water will help to close your pores again, but for better effect, use a natural toner like lemon juice, salt water, or if you have broken skin on your face, use witch hazel water.

There is a multitude of teen acne treatments on the market, but many are harmful to acne-affected skin, and will worsen symptoms. Lean towards light lotions, acne skin cream, and gels that will not cause excessive moisturizing of skin that is already too oily. Test out different skin care products to see what suits your skin. Avoid oil-based make-ups and use lotions and gels that are light on the skin, and won’t cause further clogging of the follicles and pores.

Over-the-Counter Products

When shopping for topical treatments for teen acne, there is almost no end to the over-the-counter products that promise to erase troublesome blackheads and whiteheads forever. Whatever acne products for teens you choose, it is important to understand your skin type, avoid clogging your pores with heavy chemicals, and to follow label directions very closely.

Many contain chemicals such as benzyl peroxide that kill bacteria, as well as natural compounds like sulfur and botanical acids that thin the skin and reduce inflammation. Use teen acne treatments that are recommended or formulated by dermatologists, and avoid anything containing heavy oils that will further clog your pores.  Aloe vera is a light gel on your skin and has shown in studies to be effective against the bacteria that cause acne. Vitamin A creams are great at balancing sebum oil production in the skin, stimulating tissue recovery and reducing inflammation!


When over-the-counter acne products irritate the skin or do not do the job, there are several forms of prescription medications that you can get from your doctor or dermatologist. The most popular treatments for acne is oral and topical antibiotics – drugs that will kill bacteria in your body and on your skin, preventing infection and inflammation.

While this might do the job, antibiotics are known to cause digestive problems and immune problems in some people. Isotretinoin is one of the strongest non-antibiotic prescriptions available, but is only rarely prescribed to teen acne patients, due to its harsh side effects. Dermatologists also prescribe topical corticosteroids as anti-inflammatories to take down the swelling and discomfort associated with lesions. In some severe cases, such when you experience cysts or nodules, dermatologists might inject corticosteroids directly into the skin.

Laser Acne Treatment for Teenagers

Laser therapies are available to teenagers when their acne does not respond to any other form of acne treatment — or their skin is too sensitive does not tolerate topical products. Lasers use light and heat to kill acne-causing bacteria in the skin, as well as remove blemishes and scar tissues. There are several different types of laser treatments available — some are very invasive, removing layers of skin from the affected area, while others are non-invasive, using mild light and heat that do not damage the skin at all. What form of acne laser treatment your dermatologist recommends for you depends on the severity of your case, and your age – doctors rarely like to use laser treatments on patients Teen Acne Treatmentunder the age of 25. If your acne case is severe and does not respond to other forms of therapy, talk with your doctor or dermatologist about laser therapy and see if it is right for you.


While there are many myths around the effects of food on acne, having a healthy and balanced diet is important in order to prevent serious outbreaks of acne, to strengthen the immune system, and to repair damaged skin cells. Specific vitamins and minerals play a key role in the treatment of acne, and you should always make sure to include these as part of your diet, or consider taking them in the form of teen supplements. Zinc is a mineral required for the healing of acne and the balancing of oil production in the skin. Vitamin A and C strengthen immune support, reduce skin inflammation, and support tissue healing. Vitamin B5 helps to balance sebum oil production and vitamin B6 reduces the body’s sensitivity to high testosterone levels. Essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6 found in fish, nuts and seeds, also have a beneficial effect on teen acne — both balance inflammation-causing chemicals within the body, and support healthy skin.

Teen Acne Home Remedies

Many girls start wearing makeup and boys begin to shave. But these actions can lead to acne breakouts. AvoidTeen Acne Home Remedies wearing makeup if possible, or use makeup that is non-comedogenic or hypo-allergenic so that the skin doesn’t get
irritated and make more pimple. Boys should avoid shaving every day and always use clean and good blades. Dirty blades can put bacteria into the skin and cause severe irritation.

Popping pimples may seem like the ideal way to get rid of a pimple fast, but often popping a pimple just irritates it and makes the pimple worse. Also if you pop a pimple the pimple you will spread more bacteria on your face and another breakout of zits can breakout in a few weeks because of popping one pimple.

Often acne products come with harsh ingredients that do work, but may irritate your skin leaving your skin not looking as fresh as you would like it too. But making your own homemade cleansers or facial scrubs using natural ingredients will allow your skin to take in the natural vitamins it needs and your skin won’t get irritated.

A simple lemon sugar facial scrub will help to clean out the skin and get rid of acne. Lemon or any citrus fruit is full Best Acne Treatment for Teenagersof vitamin C which is good for the skin. Use a few drops of lemon oil, preferably squeezed fresh from the peel, a teaspoon of almond oil – helps keep the skin hydrated, and one tablespoon of brown sugar – exfoliates the skin. Mix all the ingredients together and gently scrub onto the skin and rinse off with warm water.

Best Acne Treatment for Teens?

Fortunately for teenagers skin bounces back quickly and can handle products that contain strong ingredients. Products that have benzoyl peroxide may not be suitable for older people but it can be a good teen acne treatment that works perfectly for teenagers. Teenagers need a strong cleanser that will help to wash away all the extra oils, dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria. A cleanser with weak ingredients won’t be able to handle teenagers skin.

Salicylic acid is also a powerful cleanser that is gentler on the skin than benzoyl peroxide. Use creams and moisturizers that have natural ingredients and you will be acne free and have the confidence that you need.

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